Plasmid DNA

Convenient, cost-effective plasmid DNA, up to 4 mg

Built on more than three decades of purification experience, TransfectionReady plasmid DNA services offer quick-turn purifications at a small scale. These services are ideal for your discovery needs.

Did you know

Our purification experts can deliver TransfectionReady plasmid DNA in just five business days.

Plasmid guy pro tip

Our purification experts can deliver TransfectionReady plasmid DNA in just five business days.

How does TransfectionReady plasmid service work?

The process is simple. Once we receive your order and starting material, the turnaround time is five business days (schedule permitting).

At shipment, we report 260:280, concentration (mg/ml), volume and quantity for each plasmid. There are no guaranteed specifications and results are dependent on plasmid yield.

This service is not recommended for use on low-yielding plasmids, please email [email protected] to discuss options.

TransfectionReady pricing

Our other plasmid DNA services for every stage of development

Research Ready
Larger-scale plasmid service for research
IND Ready
GMP-like services for clinical trials
cGMP button
cGMP-compliant pDNA production